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    Four Wetlands in Lhasa Added into the List of the Natural Preserved Zone

    In April, having approved by the local government of Lhasa Municipality, four new wetlands were added into the list of wetland preserved zone at the municipal level of Lhasa, and another two were named as the natural preserved zones. These were respectively Trikhang Wetland in Gyama Town of Maldrogungkar County, Tangka Wetland in Tangka Town of Taktse County, Tsachuthang Wetland in Qyangnyer Village of Margyang Town of Nyemo County, the wetland preserved zone in Pungang Village of Pagor Town of Nyemo County, the Seabuckthorn - fruit bush natural preserved zone in Maldru Namgyeling Village along with the Maldru Machu River in Maldrogungkar County, and natural preserved zone in Shugseb Valley of Caina Town in Quxu County. 

    Three Tibetan Experts Conferred on the "Excellent Experts of the Minister of Culture"

    They were respectively Yagyi (Stage director of Tibetan Dance and Performance Group of TAR), Nyima Khamtrul (Actor of Tibetan Dance and Performance Group of TAR), and Kelzang Chogyel (Research fellow of the Institute of Studies on Ethnic Art of TAR).

    The Number of Black-necked Cranes in TAR Mounts up to 7,000

    Data in 2007 shows the yearly increase rate of black-necked cranes in recently years in TAR is 3.9 percent. There were 6940 black-necked cranes living in TAR currently; from 1990 to 1991, there were 3910 ones in TAR, but during the period from 2000 to 2001, the number mounts up to 4200 totally.

    Chamdo Applied for the Approval of the Second Group of National Non-materials Cultural Heritages

    In succession of successful application of Repa dance of Tengchen, Kordro circle dance of Chamdo, and She dance of Markam as the national level non-material cultural heritages in last year, Chamdo made another proposal for 10 items else. These include the salt produce technology in Tsakhalho, Polo block carve in Gyamda, naked dance and Tibetan medicine of Bon religion, Thangka paintings of Karma Kartse, games of Gumo, playing cards of Chamdo, King Gesar barders in Banpar, stringed instrument of Chutsekha, and Riwoche Drumchog Dechen.

    "The Beauty Still Remains" Was on Publication

    On May 16th, Aja Music Team, the first Tibetan girls' music team in China, published their first music special entitled "The Beauty Still Remains", and was extensive welcomed by public.

    "Gangri Tibetan Cultural Forum" Was Held in Lhasa

    On May 27th, "Gangri Tibetan Cultural Forum" was onset in Lhasa, organized by the Association of Tibetan Writers, co-organizing with the Journal Tibetan Geography, Yarlung Tsapu Hotel and Gangri Folkloric Culture House. Lectures about fine Tibetan traditional culture and also other fine culture from hinterland and overseas were delivered in the forum in order to provide better opportunity to find the talent Tibetans on Tibetan art and literature and promote the diffusion of fine Tibetan folkloric culture.

    Folkloric Culture & Art Show in Tibet

    On June 9th, it was the second "Cultural Heritage Day" in China. Having approved by the government of TAR, an original folkloric culture & art show was taken place on this day, aiming to preserve cultural and art heritage and build up a harmonious society. Two parts, i.e. performance and exhibition, were involved in which people concentrated to display the 1st group of representative items of non-materials heritages (national level) of TAR.

    The Renovation of Tragyuma Monastery to Be Accomplished by Next Year

    Tragyuma Monastery is located at Riwoche Town of Chamdo Prefecture, built at 1270 A.D; it is one of main monasteries of Taglung Kagyupa Sect. Having possessing with a big amount of valuable cultural relics, the monastery formed its buildings by integration of Tibetan, Han Chinese, and Nepal architecture style, which enabled it to be the biggest independent building system in Tibetan ancient history. In 2006, the State Department issued this building system as one of the key preserved buildings under the protection of national level. Thereby, a systematic renovation plan will be put into effect by next year; besides, several monasteries were also fallen into the list of renovation, such as Samdrup Dechen Ling Monastery in Pashod County and Sahngkhang Monastry in Traya County.

    Repa Dance Group from Tengchen County Showed Performance in Chengdu

    The Repa Dance Group, consisting of 65 young farmers from Tengchen County-the hometown of Repa dance, participated in the cultural performance during the first non-materials cultural heritages festival in June in Chengdu, by representing TAR. Repa dnace is one of the national non-materials cultural heritages in TAR. The group actively displayed their original songs and dance to the audience.

    Changes of Educational Attitude on Tibetans

    In 2007, totally 15263 Tibetans participated in the national university entrance examination. A big change on educational attitude on Tibetan mass was taken place. Thanks to the insufficient enrollment of Tibetan students for universities in past years (sometimes it was less than one thousand of students), the educational staffs had to pay home visits in towns or villages to educate people about how many benefits it could bring about if studying in universities. However, in recent years, the situation has changed in TAR with the dramatically surge of human resource with high level education. At present, totally there are over 33 thousands Tibetans having educated in universities, which presenting 1.3 percent of the total population, higher than the average level of the nation.

    Lhasa Tourist Website Open to Public

    On May 1st, Tibetan Lhasa tourist website (www.xizanglasa.cn), an official website of the Lhasa Tourist Bureau, was open to public. It contents information in ten aspects under 51 columns, such as politics, culture, food, accommodation, tourist guiding, shopping, and entertainment. Over 20,000 Cataract Suffers Regained Their Eyesight

    Having collecting 110 million Yuan through funds rising during 15 years, Tibet Development Foundation provided disinterested cataract operations for 20 thousand Tibetan suffers to make them regain their eyesight. A big number of herders and farmers have therefore gotten rid of the poverty and gain wealth.

    The Students at Township Level Exempted from Tuition

    In accordance with the decision of TAR, the students enjoying the compulsory education at the township level will no more ask to pay tuition and other extra educational fees from the autumn of 2007, such as fee to purchase books and notebooks. At present, there are totally 44 thousand students at the township level within the program of compulsory education. It is predicted that the number will surge to 49 thousands, and the total exemption of education fees will mounts up to be 7.56 million Yuan.

    Two Tibetans Became Doctors on Tibetan Medicine

    On June 4th, by cooperating with Beijing Chinese Medicine University, Tibet Medical College held its first pre-doctorial defense of the theses of the first group of doctoral candidates on Tibetan medicine. Two doctorial candidates, Rinchen Gyahe and Yangmei passed the examination and finally became the first group of doctors on Tibetan medicine.

    Shol Area under the Potala Palace Was Opened to Public

    On May 31th, the Shol area was finally opened to public through the south entrance of the Potala Palace after accomplishment of six-year renovation. Thirteen tourist sites are involved at this area. Shol area is actually the place where it is allocated right below the Potala Palace, covering the area of 50 thousands sq. meters with 317 meter in length, and 170 meters in width from south to north. There are 22 ancient buildings at Shol area. The major ones amongst thirteen sites are Zholpa Lekhung, Shol Jail, and Shol Paper Mill.

    Tibetan Farmer Runs Barley Brewing Factory

    On May 31, the first Barley Brewing Factory running by Tibetan farmer was put into production in Rinpung County of Shigatse Prefecture; with yearly producing 6000 tons barley wine and 50 percent of products exporting to Nepal and India, the private factory will provide 120 new positions for unemployed Tibetans.


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